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Truly Huge Bodybuilding Supplements Review

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My name is Rick Banavong and I am a competitive natural bodybuilder. Wow, it is still surreal for me to consider myself a bodybuilder. I started lifting weights at the old age of 13 years old...LOL. I was always exceptionally strong for my age and was already arm wrestling the teachers at that age. Ever since I saw Arnold Schwarzenegger in "Conan the Barbarian movie", I knew right then and there that I wanted to be a bodybuilder. I worked towards that goal by busting my butt in the gym and hoisting heavy weights until my body ached and was begging me to stop. This was it, I was on my way.

Well, things didn't happen as I had imagined. Unfortunately, life has a tendency to get into the way of your dreams and/or goals. Along the way, I've encounters the various obstacles of life: school, jobs, marriage, kids, injuries (torn pec, rotator cuffs, wrist), etc.

However, all through my life's journey, the desire to be a bodybuilder and compete continued to burn within my soul. So, at the young age of 38 years old, I decided to compete in my very first bodybuilding show. I prepared for 4 months and through a proper diet and training program, I transformed my body from a 218 lbs blob to a chiseled 165 lbs bodybuilder. I placed a respectable 7th out of 13th contestant in my first show. I told myself that I was just going to do this one show and be done with it. However, I didn't want my first and last show to be such a disappointing placing (at least in my mind). I knew that if I had better supplements, I could get into even better conditioning and do better at the next show.

I started doing research online for the various supplement companies and what they had to offer. That brought me into contact with Paul Becker of TrulyHuge.com. I was honestly hesitant since I haven't heard about Truly Huge Supplemnts before. And since I have taken probably every supplement ever made from all of the major supplement companies, I wasn't sure if Truly Huge Supplemnts were any different. Well, I can honestly say that the products from TrulyHuge.com are awesome. With the help of ECDY-BOLIN, NITROBOL and HERBAL FAT MELTER, I was able to get into the best condition of my life and placed very well in my second show. I placed 2nd in the Novice division and 3rd in the Open Lightweight division.

I am taking the rest of the year off and plan to step on stage next year with an additional 10-15 lbs of muscle. I know that I can achieve my goals with the help of Truly Huge Supplemnts. I plan to take the following supplement in my off season: ANDRO-SHOCK, ECDY-BOLIN, PUMPED EXTREME, NITROBOL and HGH ADVANCE GROWTH HORMONE SUPPLEMENT.

Remember, training and desire can only get you so far. You still need good supplements to get you all the way. Try the products from TrulyHuge.com and see what they can do for you.


Rick Banavong

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