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How To Use Creatine

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What Is The Best Way To Use Creatine?

Since the creatine is just a form of supplement and there are little to no adverse side effects, many users can literally experiment on when to take and how to use creatine. Therefore, if you would like to take this natural power booster then it is very essential that you know how to use creatine the right way.

For the first time users, you must undergo a so-called creatine loading dosage phase. This would help your body prepare for that extra energy that your muscles need in order to tolerate your intense training. During the loading dosage phase, health experts recommend that you should take 20 up to 25 grams every day. But see to it that the dosage you would have a day are divided into four to five equal parts. Try to have 5 grams every time you take the creatine. This can be done for five days or at least a week.

But there is also another way on how to use creatine during the loading dosage phase. This would require you to take lower dosages. At least 3 grams of the creatine supplement can be consumed but you have to take this dosage for at least 30 days. The ACSM or American College of Sports Medicine said that you can have an energy boost by as much as 20 percent if you opt to take creatine this way.

Once you are done with the loading dosage phase then you can proceed to the next phase called maintenance dosage. At this point, there is no one specific dosage that all of the users can take. Knowing on how to use creatine during the maintenance dosage can be done through the following computation. For every kilogram of your body weight, you must have at least 0.03 grams of the supplement. Do not forget to eat foods that are rich in carbohydrates to maximize the efficiency of the supplement.

More often than not, the manufacturers of the creatine supplements recommend that you take two up to five grams everyday to achieve the results that you want. But you should also take note that if you exceed the recommended amount it does not mean that it is better for your body or for your training. Having too much creatine may cause some negative side effects.

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