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Truly Huge Bodybuilding and Fitness

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Hardcore Bodybuilding

TrulyHUge.com is an informative website for the true HARDCORE BODYBUILDER.  Bodybuilding originated from the Greeks believe it or not.  Their basic idea was to celebrate the human body and it's functions.  Back then, however, it was much different than it is now.  They weren't so concerned with symmetry, just being massive and strong.  Today's idea of being symmetrical along with being massive and strong stems from the Victorian ages.  Now, bodybuilding and strength training is considered mainly for health reasons and just to look good.  For hardcore bodybuilders it goes a step further.

Why be a hardcore Bodybuilder?

It's not easy being a hardcore bodybuilder.  Why would someone want to train for hours on end everyday, just so they can have big muscles?  Is this what it's really about?  If you think so then you are not cut out to be HARDCORE!  Hardcore bodybuilders sacrifice time with their families, great meals (at times), and tons of money (on supplements), just for large muscles?  No way....There is much more to it.  We don't just do it to look great.  We do it for health, fun, personal accomplishment, respect, and most of all (for me) for the camaraderie.  Some call it the "brotherhood" but call it what you will, I love it.  It's almost like a family.  When you go to the gym in the morning or afternoon and you see the same people everyday (sometimes more than your real family) and your all there to accomplish the same type goals, a bond and mutual respect sets in.  The best part is that not anyone can just join in....  but once they are in, No one wants out!

What does it take to be HARDCORE!

Not just anyone can become HARDCORE!  You have to have dedication, discipline, and patience!  It's funny how some people think like this: "I don't want to ______ because I don't want to get huge like those guys in the magazines."  That to me is a copout excuse for being lazy.  I understand that you don't want to be massive, but even if you wanted to be you couldn't!  It's not like you can go workout for a few months and just get huge, NO ONE CAN!  You ever heard the expression "Rome wasn't built in a day" ?  Well, neither is a good physique! 

To become hardcore you need to be in the gym every day working hard.  It takes much more than most people have in the way of guts and dedication.  In other words you have to live it.  Being hardcore is a lifestyle.  

How does Truly Huge Hardcore Bodybuilding benefit me?

If you take the time to read through this website you will learn what it takes to be truly HARDCORE in the bodybuilding world.  We know the hardest part is staying focused, dedicated, and consistent, which all comes down to discipline and motivation.  We hope we can help keep you motivated through our free Newsletter (sign up below).  If you have any questions please let us know.

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