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Guide to weight loss
Secrets for weight loss
Drink plenty of Fluids
Take AT LEAST 2 liters of water/fluids a day. The body needs fluid
to effectively transport fat from storage to be used as a fuel source,
as well as to process protein. While initially this may increase
your weight slightly, the long term health benefits and subsequent weight
loss will make up for it. DON’T drink cordials or soft drinks as
these are a 10% sugar solution (1l = 100 grams of sugar)
Count Calories BUT!…
Although calories are important… a calorie is only a measure of heat given
from food when burned in a chamber and DO NOT reflect how the body uses
different types of food. While a gram of fat is only twice the calories
of Carbs or proteins it is stored as fat in the body almost 20 times easier
than either carbs or proteins. It is important to find out how much
energy you really need and then work out from your food, just how much
energy you really eat.
Eat smaller meals more often
Eating three or less meals a day STORES FAT!! By eating smaller
meals 5-6 times a day, your body will increase its metabolism (energy burning
- which allows your to burn more fat as a fuel source during the day),
and decrease insulin spikes (see next point).
Cut back of Fats and Carbohydrates
The body releases insulin to store excess energy (food) as fat. The
more quantity you eat (3 meals a day) the more excess energy is available
to be stored. Also, Insulin is released to reduce blood sugar levels
(this is why soft drinks are bad) - AND blood sugar levels come from Carbohydrates!.
By reducing the amount of Carbs in your diet, you reduce the levels of
blood sugar … which in turn reduces the bodies fat storage system.
Therefore increase your protein intake so that much of your daily energy
needs come from protein
Increase Physical Exercise
While much weight can be lost by cutting back the calories, permanent weight
loss is a lifestyle not a diet. Exercise, whether it is gym based,
sports based or simply walking for 20 mins a day burns more energy and
again increases your metabolic rate (energy burning). For example,
walking 3 hrs a week (4mph) will burn over 2967 Calories a month or 300
grams of fat. The longer and more intense the exercise. the more
fat burnt. Find ways to increase your energy output
Whether it is exercising, putting out the washing instead of using
a drier or walking to the shops instead of driving
Take Supplements!
There is a myth that a balanced diet will provide you with all the nutrients
you need. HOWEVER, no one eats a balanced diet now days .. more-over
the quality of soils means that many of the nutrients in foods is sadly
lacking. The body needs nutrient’s to operate properly and often
a multivitamin tablet can provide what is missing. In addition, supplements
offer a complete food in a convenient package. There are supplements
that are especially designed to increase the body’s ability to burn fat
as a fuel
Stay Motivated -
One slip up is not failure!!
Keep yourself focused on the goal. Train with others, use friends
to encourage you, get a personal trainer also read the book Dianetics to learn how to keep your sub-conscious mind from working against you. In addition, weight gain and loss is a process, just because
you deviate from your plan or program once or twice does not mean you have
failed. Keep going…. Not matter how many bits of naughty foods you
may indulge in once and a while
Exercise in the mornings before
When you wake up in the morning your body is in starvation mode.
By going for your walk or exercising at this time you are burning up to
200% more fat than you would if you had just eaten and provided your body
with Carbohydrates to use as a fuel source.
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