Creatine supplements today come in varied forms. Some athletes and bodybuilders take the powder while the others opt for the creatine serum instead. But some creatine users find the creatine capsules more convenient compared to the other types of creatine supplements. Not only do your not have to know the right water and powder mixture or right amount of serum, but you could also take it anytime or anywhere.
The dosage of the creatine capsules vary depending from one manufacturer to another. Some creatine capsules only have 700 mg of creatine while others have as much as 1500 mg per capsule. Of course, it would be advisable that you take the lowest dosage of creatine capsule first if you have not yet taken creatine or any other muscle-enhancing supplement yet. This would ensure that you take the creatine moderately in order to prevent any adverse effects. Moreover, taking big dosages of creatine in just a short span of time will result to a very noticeable weight gain. Unless you really want to gain more weight in just a few weeks, then the creatine capsules with high dosage may be right for you. Just see to it that you follow the instructions at the label of the creatine of your choice. Some recommend that you take as much as 4 capsules every day while others only require 3.
Creatine capsules can also have additions such as glutamine and protein. But this does not necessarily mean that it would be more effective to you compared to the ordinary creatine capsules supplement. Again, it all boils down to your lifestyle, how you’ve been doing your routines, and for how long have you been taking other types of supplements that will help you enhance your performance during workouts. Before using creatine capsules that have added protein or glutamine, consult with a health expert first or a nutritionist to know the dos and don’ts especially if this you are first timer.