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Celebrity Personal Trainer Rob Garcia Interview

Celebrity trainer Rob Garcia trains Oscar de La Hoya. Rob just recently trained Kim Kardishin for her celebrity charity boxing matching.

Q. Can you give us some background about yourself?

A. I started out playing football at age 8. I began boxing at the age of 12. Surfing has always been a big part of my life. Boxing became a major part of my life in San Diego at 5Th Street Boxing Gym.

Q. What got you started in fitness?

A. I've been a 3 sport athlete since 5Th grade so I was around ten years old at the time. I later started playing football, track, and baseball. It didn’t take long before I started surfing and boxing. I lived at the ocean most of the day.

Q. What is the toughest part about fitness for you?

A. I would say running & road work. I have always been tough, I love exercise & sparring mostly.

Q. What are your favorite and least favorite exercises?

A. Heavy legs day, that crushes you for the rest of the day. But it pays off the most. I like sprits and plyometrics. That’s explosive training.

Q. What are some tips you can give for the beginner?

A. Don't try and overdo it. Be consistent, target your weak areas. Try and train get smarter every year. Increase the intensity and reduce the duration of workouts.

Q. Where do you stand on the use of supplements?

A. Supplements in liquid form seem to absorb best. Eat clean and proactively improve your diet each year.

Q. What are your future goals?

A. I want to help cure obesity world wide. I want to introduce eating habits and food choices to everyone who wants to have better health. I’d also like to write a few books and teach exercises. I also want to be the best combat coach out there and win several world titles with my athletes.

Q. Anything else you'd like to add?

A. Yes, set realistic goals for yourself. Write down your goals put them on paper. Create a plan that will help you to bring your hopes, goals and dreams to life. Remember knowledge is power.

Celebrity Personal Trainer Rob Garcia

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